I have long been listening to the Notes Underground music podcast. Podmeister Mitch recently mentioned the Matador mp3 collection, which was really well worth visiting. I also subscribe to NPR - All Songs Considered. I have added some new feeds in recent weeks to keep a stream or at least a trickle of new music in my ears:
KCRW - Today's Top Tune
KEXP Song of the Day
MPR - The Current Song of the Day
Radio Three Sixty
NPR - Open Mic
I have finally retired NYUB - Not Your Usual Bollocks. I always found myself fast-forwarding through it. For a year. It is the usual bollocks. Or unusual bollocks, but not my kind of music. What was I thinking? Also retired Spacemusic but I think it died by itself first. You always think that someday you will actually listen to these or find a use for them. I archived some so that if I am ever hospitalized in a coma for a year or more, maybe someone could play them to me. I should leave someone a note.
In the news department, Democracy Now has no equal. It is strange to see how the podcast sphere went from no mainstream corporate media in mid 2005 to almost nothing but mainstream now. I am only speaking of the news sources now. You have to dig through the ABCs, CNNs, FOXes, CBS-walmarts, Newsweaks, and others to find Pacifica or anything non-corporate. I'm very bored with NPR - Most E-mailed Stories. Man, is that bad. Still not as dishonest as most of the other news reports, but very suburban topics such as Robert Plant's post-Zeppelin career as opposed to today's news of global destruction. I didn't get much out of the Washington Post, NYT, or BBC either. I guess I'd rather read them. Only Democracy Now is better listening than reading. (I'm too tired to link but you should search and subscribe in iTunes or another podcast-rss-feed-aggregator client.)
It's not NEWS, but Le Show is the best variety show or whatever you want to call it. Harry Shearer's regular voice features such as Dick Cheney Confidential and 41 calls 43 are the best. I am now adding Sam Seder of (just sold) AirAmerica after finding that Marc Maron is often on as a guest. I'll also give a listen to Ring of Fire. I can't stand Ed Schultz (but I would readily recommend him to anyone who likes the Rush Limbo "Limpboy" Experience as a low-fathead alternative).
Try the New Mongolburger!
Over 1.5 billion served… Photo courtesy of Charles T. Spotted in China.
2 days ago
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