Thursday, November 02, 2006

Deutchland über iTunes (Ich bin ein Berliner.)

Many people seem to be having problems today as they install an iTunes update and find that their iTunes Music store is turning Japanese, French, German, or a random nationality. Mein store was Deutsch, not American or Japanese, which I would have understood. My hypothesis is that the presence of the Sieg Howdy! album by Jello Biafra with the Melvins, –or perhaps a genealogical analysis– linked me to the German site. You can fix this problem by scrolling down to the bottom of the page, and selecting your country from a pull-down menu. Fixxen sie diese schitt bei downgeschkollen nach ze gebottom auf der iTunes page und zelektink ze korrekt nazionalitie aus von ze choices dar offerten. After a year of university German I still only speak the dialekt of German known as "Hollywood Nazi". Here is a MT Deutsch version: Sie können dieses Problem befestigen, indem Sie unten an der Unterseite der Seite scrolling, und Ihr Land von einem pull-down Menü auswählen. As far as being lucky goes in being misassigned a store, there are few countries in the world with pop müsick as bad as the Germans, in my opinion, although they did have Einstürzende Neubauten and probably a lot of other wunderbar bands like that which I don't know about, so I speak from ignorance.

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