Some weak-minded people may find this offensive. I assembled this collage to honor memorialize the works of PJP2, who like Reagan, was hailed as a saint when he died, all misdeeds wiped clean. I was (and stll am) offended by the policy of commanding sub-Saharan Africans and other potential AIDS victims not to use condoms. It is even more offensive when preached by those who set themselves up as moral authorities, yet always seem to get it wrong. The Vatican also seems to have an inaccurate view of human nature, which is something else they advertise themselves as being experts on. Ratzinger's more recent policy of "Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child, Move the Pedophile Priest around and Shut Up the Victims" is even more offensive, but that is a rant for another day. As the leader of one of the world's oldest and most succesful cults, he has a grave responsibility.
Subtitles for the semiotically challenged and offendees:
Although undoubtedly a seminal figure, it would have been better if what PJP2 was spewing had been contained and not widely disseminated, especially for those who were killed by heeding his order to not use condoms.
Bring hand sanitizer…
I just know I’m going to catch something in there… Photo courtesy of Magda
Kitano. Found in Japan.
14 hours ago
1 comment:
Hello Blues...,
You've hit the nail on the head with this post. The purpose of the condom policy is to kill as many Africans as possible. Here's some more red-hot ink for your pen. Now help me "vanquish the sword."
The time has arrived for those blinded by religion to open their eyes, see the light, and help me vanquish the sword they have been deceived into supporting and wielding. How can Judeo-Christians blindly support rich and powerful leaders who rule using great wealth, deception, war, destruction, torture, and injustice when the messiah is supposed to deliver truth, wisdom, and justice, vanquish the sword, and dethrone the unjust, rich, and powerful? What is wrong with this picture?
No leader of an empire ever truly believes the religions used to manipulate subjects, and this includes religious empires. That would be like a drug dealer hooked on his product; its bad for business...
Understanding why religion is strong delusion
Christians often quote things like "know them by their fruits," yet after millennia of being duped into abetting blatantly evil scoundrels, many still don't understand the meaning or import of much of what they read. The same canon paradoxically propounds "faith," which means the complete opposite of "know them by their fruits," i.e., to discern the truth by analyzing deeds and results (works) and to weigh actions instead of merely believing what is said.
The deceptive circular logic of posing a fantasy messiah who urges both discernment of the truth and faith (belief without proof) clearly represents a skillful and purposeful effort to impose ignorance and confusion through "strong delusion." Any sage worth his salt could understand the folly of this contradictory so-called wisdom. This and mountains of evidence demonstrate that faith and religion are the opposite of truth and wisdom. It is no wonder charlatans like Rove, Bush, and others have marked Christians as dupes to be milked as long and as hard as possible. Any accomplished con artist easily recognizes religion as the ultimate scam and fervent followers as ready-made marks and dupes.
We now live in an era where science has proven so much about the vastness, rationality, mathematical preciseness, and structural orderliness throughout every level of our 11-dimension universe. Nonetheless, large percentages of people still conclude that these flawed and contradictory religious canons are the unmodified and infallible "word of God." People who can't (or won't) discern the difference between truth and belief are easily misled about the differences between good and evil, wisdom and folly, perfection and error, reason and irrationality, and right and wrong.
The fact that political leaders have always had close relationships with religious leaders while cooperating to manipulate followers to gain wealth and power is overwhelming evidence that the true purpose of religion is deception and delusion. People who are unable to effectively discern basic moral choices or to reason accurately are easily indoctrinated to follow the dictates of national and imperial leaders who wrap themselves in religious pretense. Truth and wisdom are direct threats to the existence and power of empires. That is why imperial leaders always strive to hide so-called secret knowledge and impose deception and ignorance upon their subjects.
What then is the purpose of "faith" but to prevent otherwise good people from seeking to understand truth and wisdom?
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