Accidentally caught the Reptilian party "cnn tea party" "debate". There were 8 cards on the table. All appear challenged and slow. They represent the people who are a few decades behind the rest of the country, primarily the elderly. It seems that Republican candid-8 attending the debates should have the same right (or obligation?) to carry a concealed firearm that they enjoy when they go out for a drink. Let the sniping begin-- or continue. You have to fight for your right to "party". Didn't the Gipper say that?
It’s it’s the thorgt that counts…
That’s what it it stands for… Photo courtesy of Diane Quintal. Tissues
found in Japan.
1 day ago
Any of the 8 could debate Obama under the table, unless he was allowed to use his teleprompter, then maybe only 4 could.
As far as I know, there is no use for a teleprompter in a debate, but I guess it could be used for opening remarks or something. Debates are presumably extemporaneous. Candidates sometimes drop in relevant chunks of their stump speeches, but those wouldn't be scripted on a teleprompter. I don't think Obama has used a teleprompter a whole lot more than other presidents, either, but you are right to point out the gap between his speechwriter and marketers and who he actually is as a president. I don't think the Vulture, the Lobbyist, the Fundie, or the Libertarian would fare well, altho they are good talkers. Rick Perry, Michelle Bachmann, and some of the other forgotten 8 would be laughed out of a high school debate, let alone a presidential debate. To succeed in the USA, you need to take this factor into account:
Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice
… so Keep It Simple, Professor.
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