Here are some seismic records, in case you want to use the recording on a large turntable-like device to re-play earthquakes.
One thing I still find amazing yet absolutely accurate is that 5 minutes after the start of the earthquake it is still rocking at an intensity of Shindo 3 over a wide area.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Seismic record
Monday, February 27, 2012
Triple Disaster × 7
Video isn't very good at capturing an earthquake, but in some cases you get an expressive imprint.
70th floor of the Landmark Tower in Yokohama. Hundreds of miles from the epicenter, but still...
Miyagi. Since I was underground⇒outside I sometimes wonder what people inside felt. This building makes a surflike sound as it accelerates and you hear the crowd responding to the rollercoaster sensations (2-3g in some places).
It's never a good idea to head down to the river to watch the tsunami come in, but our videographer seems to get just enough time to react to each escalation (with accompanying nonverbal grunts) and ends up OK atop maybe some playground equipment (?) at Minami Kessennuma Elementary School.
Going back home to the seaside in Namie where she was born and raised, 5K from the plant, 7 months after.
Cows inside the 20K perimeter in October '11.
福島第一原発から20km圏内の牛達が道路を闊歩 2011/10/2
He finds the hottest spot at his house in Fukushima City is the rainwater drain at 14.5μSv/h (alarm goes off above 10μSv/h) and he wonders if that will be OK when it only falls to half that after 30 years...
放射線量測定器のアラームが鳴り止まない~ 福島市渡利
撮影2011年6月8日 福島市渡利の自宅庭の雨水の溜まり場所では、最高放射線量が14.5μSv/hに達し、放射線量測定器の10μSv/hオーバーを注意
Asphalt is bad but moss is worse -- in Namie.
ᚠμ©× TEPCO
to the tune (?) of Rockaway Beach (Ramones)
Song set to SCRAP musician Nobu's pics of his abandoned hometown of Namie, including what looks like suiting up and going back in to extract belongings from his apartment.
Tags: cities, democracy, energy, freedom, humanity, humor, imagination, intelligence, Japan, Land of the Rising Sun, music, NiHon, nukes, radiation, shelter, survival, technology, travel
- Blues Tea-Cha - 12:38 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Marshall Islanders and Islands, R.I.P.
About the 67 nuclear weapons tests in the Marshall islands, including
"Bravo" which was 1000 times the size of the Hiroshima bomb and the US
govt's deliberately planned (proven by USDOE documents) exposure
of the Marshall Islanders who recvd 9 lifetimes of radiation exposure.
Over an inch of snow-like radioactive fallout (vaporized coral) fell.
Burned, hairless irradiated islanders evacuated after 2-3 days. Listen
from minute 6. Extremely racist govt archive audio from minute 13.
Tags: Asia, bioethics, health, history, human rights, humanity, nukes, ocean, physics, politics, racism, radiation, Republic of Armed Desire, shelter, survival, United States, violence
- Blues Tea-Cha - 1:25 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
TOP LANDING : TAITO : トップランディング
nostalgia circa 1989
Tags: computers, history, Japan, physics, technology, travel, video, weather
- Blues Tea-Cha - 1:30 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
How near is here?
Tags: energy, graphic, human rights, Japan, Land of the Rising Sun, NiHon, nukes, physics, politics, radiation, shelter, survival
- Blues Tea-Cha - 12:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Non-intervention in interplanetary affairs
As the military budget surpasses one trillion dollars, over $3000 per
capita, planetary exploration is scaled back (to $4.00 per capita).
Soon, we'll have to just be content watching the Chinese missions.
Obama’s budget would cut Mars program, solar system exploration
The Obama administration’s budget would hit the NASA division that sends rovers to Mars and probes to Jupiter.
▻ Scientists briefed on the proposed budget said that the president’s plan drops funding for planetary science at NASA from $1.5 billion this year to $1.2 billion next year, with further cuts continuing through 2017.
Tags: freedom, future, humanity, imagination, money, numbers, physics, science, space, technology, universe
- Blues Tea-Cha - 1:51 AM 0 comments